Review: The Reece Malcolm List by Amy Spalding

The Reece Malcolm List  
by Amy Spalding
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Release Date: February 5, 2013

Things I know about Reece Malcolm:
1. She Graduated from New York University.
2. She lives in or near Los Angeles.
3. Since her first novel was released, she’s been on the New York Times bestseller list every week.
4.She likes strong coffee and bourbon.
5. She’s my mother.
Devan knows very little about Reece Malcolm, until the day her father dies and she’s shipped off to live with the mother she’s never met. All she has is a list of notebook entries that doesn’t add up to much.L.A. offers a whole new world to Devan—a performing arts school allows her to pursue her passion for show choir and musicals, a new circle of friends helps to draw her out of her shell, and an intriguing boy opens up possibilities for her first love.But then the Reece Malcolm list gets a surprising new entry. Now that Devan is so close to having it all, can she handle the possibility of losing everything?

Despite what the girly, light looking cover would lead you to believe, The Reece Malcolm List is an emotional book that explores a complex relationship between a girl, and the mother who gave her up at birth.  While fun and entertaining, the real strength of this novel is in it’s ability to explore this relationship and the struggles that come along with it.  Devan is sent to live with the mother she never knew after her father dies and her stepmother doesn’t want any part in her life.  She has to deal with navigating a life with her difficult to read mother, Reece.
The character of Reece is what makes this story work.  Despite the fact that she is cold and difficult to get to know, she does show the reader that she is caring and has good intentions in her own, misguided way. This book is filled with flawed, complex characters who are likeable but also make mistakes.  Right from the beginning it is easy to feel what Devan is feeling; she is in a very uncomfortable situation and trying to make sense of it.   
I love stories that show nontraditional family situations where characters are brought together later in life than normal.  This is why I loved The OC and the relationship between Ryan and Kirsten, though different than this, it still shows the awkwardness of treading the line between being respectful of someone for being there, but also not pretending to have a perfect relationship.  Families fight, but that is something that needs to be learned in these new situations.  The lines of communication need to be open for a relationship to work, and that is the struggle that Devan and Reece face throughout this story.
From the perspective of the mother-daughter relationship, this book is right on.  What I didn’t love as much about this story was the romantic element. I found both love interests of Devan’s to be kind of jerky at times, and found myself waiting for more about the relationship between Reece and Devan.  
Reece’s boyfriend, Brad on the other hand is awesome.  I absolutely love him, he provides the perfect warm balance to Reece’s cold ways.  Does the fact that I was more interested in Devan’s mom’s boyfriend than her own mean that I’m getting old?
I also really love how this book focuses on theatre, and the talent that Devan has.  While Devan is a typical teenager with self esteem issues, when it comes to her talent, she isn’t afraid to own it, and has great confidence.  And I was definitely won over by a Troy Bolton reference.  For real.
The Reece Malcolm List is a novel that showcases an interesting and complex family dynamic.  If you enjoy emotional family dramas, this is the book for you.  I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait to see more from Amy Spalding in the future.